btw, this is NOT the potty seat : )For a while now, Josie has been "telling" me when she has a poopy diaper - "Momma, pup, pup!" along with a crotch grab. Her new potty seat was well received, although more as a novelty than a useful object. Which is okay with me - I'm not trying to hurry her along. She needs a few more words and a little more self-control before we end our diaper dependency : )
Last night was our second night actually "using" the new potty seat and we had success right away - although Josie was quite surprised that something other than a "pup" came out first (I know, Val, TMI). I was WAY more excited than she, and we called Grammy to fill her in - Josie "telling" in pantomime, which would've been a cool video.
As fun as that was for me, I thought I'd update on what Josie really enjoys:
dancing - she still LOVES music;
feeding "Baby" and putting her to bed (there's still just the one Baby (capital B) ... the other four babies have been "napping" in Josie's room for a week or two);
putting on shoes (anyone's);
"talking" on a phone (pretend or real);
chasing kitty cats;
hugging stuffed animals (and MacKenzie when she can catch her - but not Gracie, who stays far, far away);
playing with her Fisher Price "Little People" (has quite the village of people, animals and vehicles);
sorting shapes;
reading books;
setting the table in her play kitchen
playing "dress up" and going bye-bye with her purse
wandering around the yard looking at leaves, rocks, bugs, and searching for the neighbors' dogs ("bow wows")
Yes, we're quickly approaching the Terrible Twos, but she's a sweet, smart, loving, well-balanced and funny little girl. I marvel at her personality and beauty every day. What more could any parent ask?
As we come up on our first "one-year" marker (when we met on Dec. 9, 2008) I find I can't imagine life without her anymore. When I first started this blog, I quoted another wise adoptive parent, "Keep your eyes on the prize." Well the prize I got is way more than I could ever have imagined : )