The divine Ms. Josie is taking her afternoon nap, as I will be in a few moments, also : ) We're still working on the time zone changes and a little girl who doesn't seem to sleep more than 2-3 hours at a stretch. Now that she's getting a bit more settled in at home, I'll start working that out.
Met a nice family at the Almaty airport, as we were both waiting to depart. She was traveling with her newly adopted 4 year old son and her sister in law. We chatted about the state of adoption in Kazakhstan in general, and it brought home to me how really, truly lucky I am to have Josie in my life.
It's becoming difficult to adopt infants from Kaz., according to this experienced mom (this little guy is her second adoopted from the same Baby House), and rarely are any children under 12 months availble. Her sons both had fixable medical conditions that the Kaz. citizens apparently felt was too much to deal with. She's got a real gem, anyway. He smiled and entertained J during our long wait at the airport and seemed a really happy little boy.
My happy little girl is having a blast, playing with mom and her kitties. (Grammy just went home. We owe her such a HUGE thank you for all she did ... supporting, loving and nurturing both J and me through 3 international trips and all the way on home. Talk about teaching by example. I only hope I can be as giving as a mom.)
Well, the extra wide hallway gate came today, thanks to my dad working behind the scenes to get everything ordered, so we could have a good trip and safe, secure home. Can't wait for him to see his newest little grandchild again.
Off to grab some sleep while I can. I'll take some pix and post them as soon as possible.
Special "hi" to Katie (and Jenny). I can't wait for you to come to visit, too, so Josie can meet her new "California cousins." ; )