It's been nearly a year since I posted - how fast time flies! Josie's a big girl, now, no longer a baby (most of the time!). I just watched some videos from last Spring and can't believe the huge difference. I guess it will always be this way : )
Today is the second anniversary of our first meeting, and I thought I'd post the "one year later" photos, just for fun.
She's beautiful!!
Congratulations ~ both then & now!
Happy Mama to a Kaz. princess & Taiwan prince...and oh yes, it does go by so quickly.....so much so!
Hi Kelly,
I happened to find your blog by accident as I was doing a search for ideas to celebrate Nauryz. I also adopted my daughter (as a single woman and traveled with my mom) from baby house #2 in Almaty. We just celebrated our third homecoming anniversary. I enjoyed skimming through your blog. I had to laugh, I have pictures of my girl in some of the same outfits from the baby house. Also, seeing the pictures of the play room brought back some memories and of course the photo of Maigul-she loves these kids.
Anyway, thanks for sharing.
Laurie-proud mom of a Kaz cutie!!!
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