Friday, December 19, 2008

Day 9

So, you might wonder at the decrease in quantity of really cute pix of J. That's because the little sweetheart has been a bit cranky the last few times I've visited. Tired, chewing on everything and wanting to be held ... doesn't lead to Mom taking great photos. Just know that there have been chuckles and playfulness and wide-eyed-wonder ... just for my eyes only, sorry : ) Tomorrow Grammy gets her second visit (and we'll try to show you some more of J's antics.)

How do Grammy and Mom pass the time waiting for the daily visits? There's only so much wandering the locale and eating pizza that two foreign gals can stomach. Well, there's also Scrabble (Grammy 75, Mom 1) and blackjack (Mom 10, Grammy 3), reading, crosswords and sudoku. Except for leaving J behind, I think we'll be happy to go home next week. Fingers crossed that all goes well on that journey. Got an email from Gramps ... he's home safe after 2 days of travel. It's a relief, but we miss him : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For some reason, my comment from yesterday didn't go through--

Other than the visits, the days might drag a little bit. I hope you're writing all the little details in your journal on the computer...? (Hint, hint--I know you too well!)

Busy around here. Joel has a game tonight, Jenny has a class party today, and the cast for the musical is announced late this afternoon. Fingers crossed!

Sold another painting... Miss you, wish you could just bring J home right now...