Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Some cute pix

The rainbow came out one day at the Amsterdam airport. Seemed like a sign, somehow! The shot of my mom and dad reading the blog was just too perfect to pass up : )
The shots of JMI and myself are from Day 2 visitation. Cute hat, huh? I think they keep it on so she stays warm enough. LOL.


Chandra said...

Hi Kelly--
Thanks for all of the great pictures and the commentary on your days in Kazakhstan. :) I hope the weather is cooperating, and your visits continue to go well.


P.S. Could the hat be any cuter on JMI?!

Anonymous said...

She looks so serious--teething's no fun.

You guys look so great together! Tell grammy and gramps I said "hi", and give "JMI" a big hug from all the Smitheys!

Anonymous said...

hi aunt kelly grandma and grandpa and JMI!!! we love you all and think JMI is 2 cute! we like to read the blog to see whats up! more pix! LOVE,CARLY & CONNOR

Jenny☻ said...

I think she looks so CUTE!!!!!!! I hope I can met her in real life some day


Katie said...

I'm so so excited!!! She is THE cutest baby!! Josie is such a cutie! Hope I get to meet her sometime. Congratulations! We love you!!!

(Sorry about all the exclamations, I'm really excited!!!)

Lots and Lots of Love, KW